To serve Veterans of the Canadian Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their families; promote Remembrance; serve local communities and country.
Thank-you for your support in our fundraising and community efforts.
Hall Rental Information:
100 Capacity
Big screen smart TV, fully regulated kitchen, wet bar, wheelchair accessible, and more.
$75/half day
Call (306) 233-4858 for rental inquiries.
Contact Information:
314-3rd St. South
Wakaw, SK S0K 4P0
Facebook: @wakawlionsclub
Lions’ Bingos
Wakaw Lions’ Food Bank
Wakaw Lions’ Spray Park
Santa Claus Day
Located in the Wakaw Curling Rink (attached to the Wakaw Rec Centre) at 211 Main Street, Wakaw.
Open May Long weekend through Labour Day weekend.
Christmas Market late November.
Jocelyn 306-864-2632
Joan 306-233-4381
Come check out the many vendors and the great products they have to offer!
Club 99 is a group of “50 & over” in Wakaw and area, who enjoy meeting others through a variety of social activities.
Club 99 regularly meets for group activities on Thursday at the Wakaw Bowling Alley from September through Spring. Other social activities range from lunches, monthly suppers, entertainment, guest speakers, bus trips, barbecues, and games (bingo, cards, shuffleboard, bowling).
We promote the Town of Wakaw Community Walking (indoor) Program that is held Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 9:30 to 11:00 at the Rec Centre. Our local exercise therapist leads low-impact exercises, as her schedule permits.
Club 99 welcomes new and previous members. This is a great opportunity to meet people and make new friends.
For more information contact Lorna (306) 233-3009